What is this?
Discovafrica is an API and web service intended to provide information on several categories such as local
dishes, music, historical books, languages, Religions, Politics etc all grouped by their countries and detailed
information where necessary!
We've taken all the rich contextual stuff from the universe and formatted into something easier to consume
with software. Then we went and stuck an API on the front so you can access it all!
We've formatted this data in JSON and exposed it to you in a
implementation that allows you to programmatically collect and measure the data.
Check out the documentation to get started consuming
diskovafrica data.
What can you use this for?
Getting data from diskovafrica has never been
easier. Here are some examples using the Python
helper library
List the countries in order of size:
import diskovafrica
for countries in diskovafrica.get_all("countries").order_by("diameter"):
View the state which has more than one languages:
import diskovafrica
for state in countries.get_all("state").iter():
if len(state.languages) > 2:
Discover if all ingredients are in the recipe:
import diskovafrica
a = diskovafrica.get_dish(4)
rice = diskovafrica.get_recipes(36)
for b in a.get_ingredients().iter():
if b.name == rice.name:
print("Good dish!")
DISKOVAFRIKA would not be possible without contributions from these amazing friends: